Hi! I’m Moksha Rao, a Product Designer at The Weather Channel by day and a Dancer-Contortionist by night.


UX Case Studies

The Weather Channel:

Sun & Moon

A new celestial hub that contains innovative graphs to track the position of the sun and moon, the best conditions for stargazing, and education around tides and moon phases.

Moksha Rao_Future Radar Thumbnail

The Weather Channel:

Future Radar Improvements

Future Radar UI Improvements for iOS, Android, and Web. Features an updated UI, 72 Hour Future Radar for Premium Subscribers, etc.


The Weather Channel:

Covid Informational Hub

A ground-breaking product that provides timely evidence-based, location-based specific information about Covid-19 cases in our community, all the way down to the county level.



Shopping Cart Checkout

Redesigned their website checkout experience, leading to a 600% increase in sales conversion rate.


The Weather Channel:

Premium Registration

The goal of the project was to encourage our users to sign up for an account to purchase a Premium Subscription.


The Weather Channel:

Plan Your Day

Consolidating some of our planning tools and connecting the dots between weather & well-being for our users.

Moksha Rao Mountain Goat App

Mountain Goat:

Award-Winning App

An aggregator app that allows the user to search, book, and communicate with a Sherpa.


Looking Up:

Thesis Healthcare App

A healthcare app that emphasizes positivity in challenging situations, and creates a fluid ecosystem of happiness by making the patient, their family, and caregivers smile.